Smart Meeting Room

Smart Meeting Room is a solution that we developed at Bio Experience by combining automation system, room reservation, and mobile apps to provide employees with ease of activity

Smart Meeting Room

Meeting Room Automation

Control every electronic devices in Meeting Room. e.g: Lighting, Television, Air Conditioner, Water Heater, Gate, Multimedia Devices, etc.

Meeting Room Signage

Show information about room usage and meeting room agenda

Meeting Room Booking

Book a meeting room using mobile and web-based application

Access Control

This security system regulates people access rights in the building and rooms using door access and barrier gates

Pantry Signage

Provide convenience for employee when ordering food and drinks using pantry apps

Apps Booking

Get personal mobile apps to create a meeting reservation

Room Integration

Integrate smart meeting room system with other digital technology in the room using API Integration

Hardware Used

SiWi Controller                                                                                           

Bio Act

Software Used

Automation Apps                                                                                            

Meeting Room Content Management System